Adam Oremland (Lawbulldog) – Biography, Age

lawbulldog Biography
lawbulldog Biography

lawbulldog  Biography


lawbulldog image

Born 05 July 1988 (age 35 years), New York.
Citizenship American
Home Town   New York, USA.
Profession Attorney (Personal Injury Lawyer)
Years Active 2018-preset
Height 5’9″
Fight GYM Dogpound
Weight 190 lbs


✅Lawbulldog is a Personal Injury Lawyer, he focuses on how to eliminate any type of physical injury, mental injury, illness. They ran a $10,000 donation fund race in October, 2023 to organize an event named “Hope NYC XI New York City 2023” where they have received donations of $26,610 so far, an increase of 226%. Their event will be held on November 2nd @ 7:30 pm at “Hammerstein Ballroom 311 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001”.

Early Life

✅He was born on 05 July 1988 in New York, USA in a good family. But due to his family being suffering from disease, Law bulldog left his studies after graduation and started trying to cure people’s diseases.

Famous For

✅Lawbulldog created the mission of Haymakers for Hope. The main purpose of this mission is to eliminate cancer through the only way we know to cure it. Due to this mission, he recently gained a lot of fame on Instagram (1.5 Million).

✅Adam Oremland is also known as Lawbulldog.


This biography has been written by self-research and extracting information through Google. If there is any error in it, we will not be responsible for it. If you want any improvement then you can WhatsApp or contact us or mail us.

By Alina Aalgi

I am Author of Entrepreneur Saathi News Site.

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